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Clenbuterol (Fat Loss) 50mcg/50tabs - NovoPharm

Clenbuterol (Fat Loss) 50mcg/50tabs - NovoPharm

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Brand: Novo-Pharm

Substance: Clenbuterol

Dosage and packing: 50tabs

Clenbuterol is powerful fat burning agent, which is a good addition to any cutting cycle.

  • Powerful Fat Burning
  • Improves Performance
  • Retains Lean Muscle
  • Usage: 20-120 mcg/day
  • Cycle Duration: 4-6 weeks for optimal results 
  • On Cycle Therapy: Use with Ketotifen to reduce side effects and extend Clen cycle duration.
  • Stack With: Stack well with T3, Cardarine and T4.
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What is Clen?

Clenbuterol is a drug that is often used by professional athletes to get in shape for the competitive period quickly, and which is also popular among athletes for its excellent fat-burning properties. The remedy helps you lose fat is by raising your body temperature, which in turn stimulates your metabolism to burn more calories.

It is actively used in bodybuilding due to its fat-burning properties, so it is a must-have preparation for cutting and losing weight. It is a powerful fat burner that is effective whether you are using anabolic steroids or not.


  • Classification: BETA-2 AGONIST
  • Active Half-life: 36-48 hours
  • Dosage: 20 - 140 mcg a day
  • Water Retention: No
  • Aromatization: No

Clen Benefits

  • Clenbuterol has a powerful fat-burning effect, as a result the metabolism increases by 20-30%.
  • The substance inhibits the activity of lipoprotein lipase, as a result of which fat deposition becomes impossible. This drug increases the secretion of thyroid hormones, which naturally burns unwanted body fat.
  • It has a direct effect on metabolism; thus, it increases your body temperature, which leads to a faster and more efficient burning of fats.
  • It does not act like an anabolic steroid.

Clenbuterol effects:

  • Burns fat and increases definition
  • Increases strength and endurance
  • Reduces appetite
  • Has anti-catabolic and anabolic effects
  • The aceleration of metabolism by 20-30% of the initial valuе
  • The accumulation of new fatty deposits is blocked
  • Mental activity increases
  • Drying out the muscles, visual highlighting of each muscle
  • Stimulates the production of natural fat burners in the thyroid gland

How to Take Clen?

The drug is taken orally with water. The standard dose for men during weight loss is 120 - 140 mcg per day. The average amount of Clenbuterol for women to lose weight is 20-80 mcg per day.

It is recommended to take the substance in the morning. The cycle duration should last two weeks. It is necessary to take a two-week break using Clen (to avoid addiction) and then repeat the cycle; without Ketotifen, the gap should be much longer.

Sometimes, such a cycle is recommended - 2 days of intake, 2 days of rest, but this scheme is less effective.


After a Clenbuterol cycle, there is no need for post-cycle therapy. You need to stop using it for at least two weeks.

Unlike steroids, Clenbuterol does not affect your hormonal function, so PCT is not required.

Clen Cycles

As already mentioned, taking Clenbuterol should be started very gradually so that you get used to the effects and gradually increase the dosage.

To reduce fat, a two-week intake of the drug looks like this:

  • Day 1-2: 20mcg
  • Day 3-4: 40mcg
  • Day 5-6: 60mcg
  • Day 7-8: 80mcg
  • Day 9-10: 100mcg
  • Day 11-12: 120mcg
  • Day 13-14: 140mcg

After that, a 2-week break is required. It is important to note that when you restart the cycle, the dosage does not start from the low level but from the one at which you finished the previous cycle; in this case, 140 mcg. Maintain this dosage in the second cycle for two weeks.

For more experienced athletes and those who want to do an effective job of burning excess fat, Clenbuterol can be used along with Ketotifen. Ketotifen is an anti-allergic agent that eliminates possible side effects, limb tremors, insomnia, and heart palpitations. It will speed up losing weight by 10-20 percent and extend the cycle up to 8 weeks.

  • 20 mcg of Clen (day 1)
  • 40 mcg of Clen (day 2)
  • 60 mcg of Clen (day 3)
  • 80 mcg of Clen (day 4)
  • 100 mcg of Clen+ 1 mg of Ketotifen (day 5)
  • 20 mcg of Clenbuterol + 2 mg of Ketotifen (6-27 days)
  • 80 mcg of Clenbuterol + 2 mg of Ketotifen (28 day)
  • 50 mcg of Clenbuterol + 1-2 mg of Ketotifen (29 day)
  • 33-35 mcg of Clenbuterol + 1 mg of Ketotifen (30 day)

At least two weeks break

Possible Side Effects and How to Avoid Them

The low incidence of side effects and the wide range of positive impacts make Clenbuterol one of the best fat burners in bodybuilding. Usually, side effects are seldom, but you may experience:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Nausea

You can prevent many side effects of Clenbuterol by using Ketotifen. But do not rush to take them right away, firstly give the body 5-7 days to get used to the medicine. Side effects can be due to new ingredients for you.

Carefully follow all indications for using Clenbuterol to avoid possible side effects.

Popular Clen Q&A

What results will Clen provide?

Clenbuterol will provide faster fat loss. For Clenbuterol to be effective and achieve your expected results, you need to maintain a clear diet and exercise regimen. This way, at the end of the cycle, your body will look more muscular and toned by burning fat.

The drug can improve what you are already doing and move your results further. That is, you should already be burning more calories during exercise than you consume with food, then Clen can help you survive and burn stored fat during the most crucial period of your weight loss program.

When does the substance start working?

The effects of Clenbuterol become noticeable immediately after the start of the cycle. When you notice that you are starting to lose weight diligently, your results' speed will increase even faster. The results will depend on how hard and how often you exercise and on your diet.

Clen is a drug used to improve the results you have been doing and are doing, so the more you devote yourself to training, the faster you will notice the fat loss, and for most people, it will be good during the first two weeks of the cycle.

Can females take Clenbuterol?

Sure. The drug is suitable for women as well as for men. However, the dosage for women will be lower.

Most women will consider using a dosage of 20 to 40 µg per day, with the possibility of gradually increasing the dosage to 75 µg per day.

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