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Clenbuterol (Fat Loss) 50mcg/50tabs - Apoxar

Clenbuterol (Fat Loss) 50mcg/50tabs - Apoxar

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Brand: Apoxar

Substance: Clenbuterol

Dosage and packing: 50 mcg/tab (50 tabs)

Clenbuterol is the substance of choice for athletes that want to get rid of the excessive body fat shortly — and in the most efficient way possible. The structure and the effects of this compound are unique: 

  • Beta2-adrenergic agonist by nature, not anabolic-androgenic steroid;
  • Not a steroid at all — so it does not affect your cycle;
  • Burns fat even when you don’t work out (even though it's less effective);
  • Moderate side effects, relatively safe compound;
  • Apoxar premium quality guarantees the result and successful weight loss. 

Clenbuterol is one of the few compounds that bodybuilders from the pro league admitted taking, simply because it’s not a steroid. It is, however, still extremely effective.

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