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Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/ml - NovoPharm

Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/ml - NovoPharm

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Brand: Novo-Pharm

Substance: Trenbolone

Dosage and packing: 200mg/ml (10mL)

Trenbolone Enanthate is a potent injectable steroid that stimulates the gradual natural testosterone production. The drug provides muscle mass growth, improved endurance and strength, all in the shortest time.

  • Usage: Inject 200-600mg once a week
  • Cycle Duration: 8-10 weeks for optimal results 
  • Aromatization: No, but may increase prolactin level and cause gynecomastia. So, use with Caber. 0.5-1 mg twice a week, 8-10 weeks
  • Post Cycle Therapy: Clomid 100mg/day for 2 weeks, then 50mg/day for another 2 weeks
  • Stack With: Dianabol (for bulking), Winstrol (for lean muscle)

Tren E Enanthate

Tren E is a slow-acting ester of a potent anabolic steroid Trenbolone. Slow-acting esters of Trenbolone were created in the late 1960s and since then have been widely used in bodybuilding and other sports. Trenbolone and its esters are considered 2-3 times more potent than Testosterone and its esters.

Tren Enanthate Main Usage

Bodybuilders and athletes widely use Tren E because of its ability to provide significant-quality muscle mass increase with exceptional hardness and definition. Tren E does not convert to estrogen and does not have estrogenic side effects and water retention.

Tren E main Benefits

  • Significant increase in quality muscle gains that are kept after the cycle
  • Considerable increase in muscle hardness, density, and definition (widely used by PROs)
  • Potent anti-catabolic agent (lean muscle mass preservation)
  • Substantial strength and endurance increase
  • Increases recovery timing
  • In a matter of days makes the workouts more extended and more intensive 
  • Significantly shortens rest periods in between sets
  • Significant fat loss
  • Leads to IGF-1 levels increase

Tren E Administration General 

Tren E has a long half-life (7-8 days), which is why Tren E is administered once a week.

Tren E is not recommended for female athletes because its use guarantees masculinization and virilization side effects.

Tren E Administration Men 

Bodybuilding and Performance Enhancement

The most common protocol of Tren E administration for beginners is 200-400 mg once a week. Intermediate and more advanced users increase the dosage to 500-600mg/week. We do not recommend dosages higher than 600mg/week. Most Tren E cycles length is 6-10 weeks.

Effective Cycles

Tren E Only Cycle

Level: Beginner

Primary Goals:

  • Moderate bulking
  • Lean Muscle Mass Gains
  • Strength Increase

Cycle Effectiveness : High

  • 1 Week 
  • 300 mg/week Tren E 
  • 2 Week 
  • 300 mg/week Tren E
  • 3 Week 
  • 300 mg/week Tren E
  • 4 Week 
  • 300 mg/week Tren E
  • 5 Week 
  • 300 mg/week Tren E
  • 6 Week 
  • 300 mg/week Tren E

On Cycle Support

Tren E does not aromatize and retain water but could possibly(mostly at dosages higher than 400mg/week) increase prolactin levels; that is why we strongly recommend using Cabergoline 0.5-1 mg/week.

Post Cycle Therapy

  • 1 Week
  • Clomid 100 mg/day 
  • 3 Week
  • Clomid 100 mg/day 
  • 4 Week
  • Clomid 50 mg/day
  • 5 Week
  • Clomid 50 mg/day

Please note that we strongly recommend Clomid as an effective PCT after the Tren E cycle.

Tren E / Test E Cycle

Level: Beginner

Primary Goals:

  • Substantial Lean Muscle Mass Gains
  • Strength Increase

Cycle Effectiveness: Very High

  • 1 Week 
  • 200 mg/week Tren E 
  • 500 mg/week Test E
  • 2 Week 
  • 200 mg/week Tren E 
  • 500 mg/week Test E
  • 3 Week 
  • 200 mg/week Tren E 
  • 500 mg/week Test E
  • 4 Week 
  • 200 mg/week Tren E 
  • 500 mg/week Test E
  • 5 Week 
  • 200 mg/week Tren E 
  • 500 mg/week Test E
  • 6 Week 
  • 200 mg/week Tren E 
  • 500 mg/week Test E
  • 7 Week 
  • 200 mg/week Tren E 
  • 500 mg/week Test E
  • 8 Week 200 mg/week Tren E 
  • 500 mg/week Test E

On Cycle Support

Please note that Test E aromatizes and could lead to estrogenic side effects. We strongly recommend monitoring estrogen levels during the cycle and having an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex handy.

Tren E does not aromatize and retain water but could possibly(mostly at dosages higher than 400mg/week) increase prolactin levels; that is why we strongly recommend using Cabergoline 0.5-1 mg/week.

Post Cycle Therapy

  • 1 Week
  • HCG 1000IUs ones in 3 days 
  • 2 Week
  • HCG 1000IUs ones in 3 days 
  • Clomid 100 mg/day 
  • 3 Week
  • Clomid 100 mg/day 
  • 4 Week
  • Clomid 50 mg/day
  • 5 Week
  • Clomid 50 mg/day

Possible side effects


Tren E does not convert to estrogen and does not show any estrogenic activity. However, Tren E could possibly(mostly at dosages higher than 400mg/week) increase progesterone levels, which can be avoided by using Cabergoline 0.5-1 mg/week. The most common side effects associated with elevated progesterone levels are progestational Gyno and body fat accumulation. To avoid unpleasant and unnecessary side effects associated with high progesterone levels, we strongly do not recommend stacking Tren E with compounds that have a moderate or high progestogenic activity (Nandrolone or Oxymetholone)


Tren is classified as a compound with low androgenic side effects. Most androgenic side effects (oily skin, hair loss, and acne) were reported at substantially higher than recommended dosages by users with a genetic predisposition to hair loss and acne.


Tren E is not an alkylated compound, and it is not hepatotoxic.

Natural Testosterone Suppression

Tren E significantly suppresses natural testosterone production. Clinical trials show that Trenbolone and its esters suppress endogenous testosterone productions 2-3 times stronger than Testosterone and its esters.

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